What is a Lighting Retrofit?
Lighting Retrofits are the replacement of old lighting components with new. more efficient components. Retrofits are an lighting upgrade that replaces the older style bulbs to LED bulbs and can consist of individual bulbs or complete fixture kits. LED technology will ensure you get the most luminosity out of the light bulb, while saving you energy exponentially which in turn will result in lower electricity bills. Advancements in lighting technology and energy efficiency moves a step forward every day. More so now than before, the lighting industry and manufacturers are pushing the envelope and achieving what before was never thought possible. Changing from four bulbs to two with proper parabolic reflectors will match or increase the area of luminosity while lowering your energy use.
Lighting can have a large impact on the success of an organization. That is why it is so important for building owners and tenants to examine their own lighting systems. ADEC Inc can help, we design highly efficient lighting systems for every situation that will cut energy consumption in half, if not more but will not compromise on quality. We typically show 40% – 65% reductions in kWh usage and in most cases increase light levels 15% – 20%. Average return on investment (R.O.I.) for our lighting projects are 12 – 24 months. Customers that operate long hours could see a R.O.I. of less than 12 months.
Why Retrofit?
Lighting upgrades is a necessary step in the right direction to become much more energy efficient than before. In addition to using less energy and saving tons of money on your utility bill there are added bonuses. The utility Co. along with the United States governments has programs in which large amounts of rebates and tax credits may be available. This allows the project to cost next to nothing allowing you to increase savings from the energy project. Selected manufactures may also introduce a rebate program based on your overall energy savings. Check out the links in the section down below to see if you qualify for a rebate and/or incentives.

Before Lighting Retrofit

After Lighting Retrofit
Choosing Wisely When Retrofitting or Replacing Light Fixtures
Incandescent, Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium and T12 fluorescent fixtures are technology of the past, in regards to indoor industrial/commercial lighting. These older technology light fixtures should be replaced with energy efficient LED lamps in your facility. LED’s are a lighting upgrade that provide superior lighting quality and last longer, while improving efficiency by 50% or more. They also operate on Drivers that are more efficient than older magnetic ballasts, which are common among fixtures using older technology. Today, Lighting manufacturers have made enormous strides in delivering new types of lamps, fixtures, ballasts, and control systems that cut energy consumption while increasing light output. However, enhancing a lighting system’s efficiency — and effectiveness — requires far more than simply exchanging one type of lamp for a more efficient one. In fact, unless an analysis and design is done, retrofitting or replacing a lighting system may cause more problems than it solves. “It can be a terrible mistake if not done properly,” says John Bachner, communications director of the National Lighting Bureau (NLB). In the U.S., $58 billion a year is spent on lighting, with most of that being spent by businesses. It is no wonder, then, that many businesses are looking for ways to cut costs through more efficient lighting solutions. But many, says John, wind up paying more, not less. To prevent this, you will need to find a qualified outfit, such as us at ADEC, to be able to assist you in lighting upgrades for a energy efficient project.
So what is the first step in designing, retrofitting, or replacing a lighting system?
Find a good lighting designer. “Experienced designers can create concepts that are ideally suited to the tasks that are performed or are likely to be performed in the space. Their designs will also minimize the energy required to achieve the results that you want.
Initial Meeting
We will schedule a initial meeting that will serve us with two primary objectives. The first is to introduce our company, its services and review applicable utility incentive programs. The second is to determine what constitutes a “good” project for the customer and preliminarily determine whether ADEC can meet the customer’s requirements. If so, a comprehensive facility-wide audit will be scheduled. A facility-wide lighting system audit may be performed the same day as the initial meeting, or at a later date. One or more ADEC representatives may perform the audit depending on the size and attributes of the facility. Every effort is made to inspect all areas in the facility including closets, storage areas, and restrooms. The following information is recorded for each fixture type found in each area.
System Audit and Analysis
A facility-wide lighting system audit may be performed the same day as the initial meeting, or at a later date. One or more ADEC representatives may perform the audit depending on the size and attributes of the facility. Every effort is made to inspect all areas in the facility including closets, storage areas, and restrooms. The following information is recorded for each fixture type found in each area. Audit data is entered into customized software which will then analyze project data so that it can be massaged easily into a proper design layout. Instead of a “cookie cutter” approach to lighting design that is commonplace in the industry, every ADEC lighting project is carefully designed to strike an appropriate balance between energy savings, light levels, and light quality in each facility area.
As lighting energy costs can account for up to 40% of your building’s energy bill, reducing this expense is crucial. Our professional staff ensures a quick and easy installation process with minimal disruption to your facility. Our engineers and consultants will conduct an energy analysis of your building and recommend the right technology for your energy-saving needs. In most cases, our customized design can be seamlessly retrofitted into your existing fixtures. Upgrade your lighting system with ADEC, Inc, a trusted name in the industry.

Before Lighting Retrofit